Fly London is here!

For the first time in Erie, we're proud to welcome Fly London shoes! Yes, yes - we're a furniture and home decor store mainly...but we all LOVE these shoes, so when we had the opportunity to become a dealer, we couldn't pass it up! These shoes are high quality, super hip, and oh-so-comfy. You'll have to try them on to believe it!

Introducing Designer Michael Aram

When I visited the Home and Gift Show in New York City, I had the opportunity to meet many of the designers to learn about their craft and what motivates them. Once such designer I met was Michael Aram, and I learned how he makes the beautiful pieces I plan to introduce to the store this spring (there's a sneak peek of what we're ordering below!).

Mr. Aram is an American born artist who works primarily in metal. After studying fine art and living as an artist in New York in the late 1980's, he took a life-altering trip to India where he discovered rich metalworking traditions. Inspired to work with craftsmen whose skills he felt were greatly untapped, he turned his creative energies towards craft-based design, setting up a home and workshop in New Delhi.

What I love about his work is how it reflects the handmade process. Each piece is lovingly made using age old traditional techniques. The artisan nature of his work has a soulful quality and energy, which he believes reflects the hand of the maker. Michael Aram pieces cause us to pause and consider them, and therefore create a sense of ritual and ceremony in their day to day use. I love meeting inspirational new artists and sharing their work with you, and I'm sure you'll see a perfect gift or accessory for the brides, friends, family, and other loved ones on your list - and for yourself!